Terry Dame's Science Music Roadshow at PioneerWorks Second Sunday Series -April 12
Terry Dame's Science Music Roadshow hits the stage at Pioneer Works in Red Hook as part of the Second Sunday Series on April 12 at 6:30 pm. I've gathered an amazing ensemble of instrument inventors to do a large semi-conductor night of creative improvised music on original instruments . Check out this line up...Kenny Wollesen on some handmade percussion contraption, Ken Butler on a bowed string contraption, Ed Potokar on Pegleg and Nuketron, Ranjit Bhatnagar's "Big Whirly Thing, Sandra Koponen doing live drawing on my SonicDrawing palate, Daniel Jodacy on tape drums, and me on Horn of Plenty Sounds and Electric Slinkys. Plus Erin Greenwell doing live projected video so you don't miss a trick. This will be epic so I hope you can join us .PioneerWorks is an amazing space. See you there.